Download these easy-to-read Spanish Bible stories and adult/youth to use for free.
(For smaller children, find a Christian coloring book with the picture of the story so they can color while you read.)
Bible Stories
In Spanish with bilingual vocabulary
1. Jesús calma la tormenta (Jesus Calms the Storm)
2. Jesús alimenta a los cinco mil (Jesus feeds five thousand)
3. José y la túnica de muchos colores (Joseph and the coat of many colors)
4. La Caída del hombre (Fall of Man)
5. El Arca de Noé (Noah’s Ark)
6. David y Goliat(David and Goliath)
7. La parábola del buen Samaritano (The parable of the Good Samaritan)
8. La fe del centurión (The Faith of a Centurion)
9. Dios le habla a Samuel (Samuel hears God)
10. La parábola del padre que recobra a su hijo (The Parable of the Lost Son)
In English with Spanish translation.
4. Devotional The Kindness of God
6. Devotional Don’t lose touch